Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 7- Repentance

We arrived last night from our night out to find that Abuelita had erected a shrine of Mary in the living room while we were out. She is stil upset that Bea keeps teaching us evil via the pisco sour and we can now repent our sins at the shrine. Actually, we find it very comforting. We could use all the help we can get. She should have done this for us on the first day. We needed to send a prayer to the saint that watches over cameras.

Today, Bea's Tia Locha took us shopping at Gamarra. Think China town in NYC on steroids (no purses, cameras, anything detachable for safety). Peg scored some suade boots for $15 and Bea found pajamas, white t-shirts and work boots for Diego. Lisa wasn't able to find a Chi, even at Gamarra; ay dios mio. We decided to make this a true vacation and take a nap this afternoon. Before the nap, Tia Gla fed us a wonderful lunch of Lomo Saltado. We also tried Pacay and Chirimoya, some yummy Peruvian fruit.

Tonight we are off for another night out at the Sheraton to see Peruvian folk dancing. Hopefully Peg will score some points and get asked to dance on stage. We promise pictures if this happens. Bea is hoping to take the lead tonight. To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious!!! I can't believe you can't borrow a chi from Vanessa for two days. Since they have a chi, just take a taxi to their house before you start your day of fun. Please buy any soccer stickers for Brandon since he too collects them. Forget about Diego- think of Brandon!!! Thanks!!
