Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 8- Don't blame it on the Pisco

We slept in today with one main objective for the day: Tia Rosa’s bday/our farewell party….so the day started about 1pm. Tio Jaime invited us to his private handmade bar on the 3rd floor. We each tried a chilcano, made with pisco, lime, and siete-up….went down way too smooth. They then presented us with gifts and told us we are now a part of the family and always have a place to stay when we return to Lima. We were all so touched and we couldn’t get Peg to quit crying. We then proceeded downstairs for lunch and to par-tay. Lisa wondered what was taking place in the corner, only to find out it was a live band setting up. These people know how to throw a fiesta (and remember it was only 1pm). Appetizers and alcohol were continuously flowing, and when we say alcohol we mean any type, any color, any brand, any combination- they had it all. Chuy stuck with Johnny Walker all night and we couldn’t get him off the dance floor. We almost lost him 3 times; damn familia. After being served 3 plates of food, the Peruvian music took over and dancing began. Tio Jaime gave a speech giving a shout out to the Houstonians (even though Peg and Lisa only understood the word Houston). Tia Mechi also made a speech and presented us with more gifts; once again Peg lost it. Before we left the house, Peg declared that she would NOT be dancing at the party. Well… Peg never left the dance floor. She was passed from uncle to uncle, cousin to cousin managing never to spill her Pisco. And when she couldn’t find an uncle to dance with, poor Chuy was dragged to the dance floor. Bea had a special request over the microphone to dance the Marinera. She had a solo performance which luckily Lisa was able to capture the moment on video (coming soon). We sang happy brithday to Tia Rosa and the family somehow managed to put 87 candles on the cake! Needless to say there was just a little bit of damage to the top layer of the icing (mini bonfire). After several hours of dancing and drinking, Bea and Lisa had to drag Peg off the dance floor; poor girl never gets out.

Tomorrow is our last day in Peru so we are calling it a night to wake up early for some more action before we have to pack.

Peruvian facts of the day…

1. Did you know you can make a right turn when in the farthest left lane on a 3 lane street? Well, you can in Peru.

2. Peruvians really know how to throw a party and have a high tolerance for Pisco. Bea has a big family (kind of like the big fat "Peruvian" wedding) and we witnessed how important family is.

3. Did you know it is the 40th anniversary of Tia Gla’s neighborhood? People have been celebrating since we arrived on Day 1 with parades, fireworks (took awhile to determine this was not gunshots), and more fiestas.

Points up to date…

Lisa earned a point for public humiliation for dancing on the stage at the Sheraton. Bea is trying to gain a point for her performance with her uncle tonight, but you can’t earn a point from a family member.

So we are at: Lisa 5, Peg 4, Bea 3.5.Only 24 hours left, time to step up our games!

1 comment:

  1. How Sweet? Hey wait- I think I already heard that same speech. Did they go in the middle and make a round circle while everyone had a pisco sour. Wow- that was deep!! Did you get a key to the city? Now, if all goes good- On your last day, each family will go to abuelita's house and say bye and take a group picture. It never fails- they have rehearsed this and are total pros!! Glad yall had fun and now understand why Beatriz is the way she is- a total mental psycho!!! See, it's in the genes, and no one believed her. Can't wait to see all the pictures. Make sure to copy all the pictures to a file in the computer.
