Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 9- Vamos a la casa...oh o o o o

Well tres cuye fans...all good things must come to an end...and so we say good-bye Peru. As the Von Trapp family says, so long farewell. Today we wrapped up loose ends, i.e. buying every last souvenier in Lima and had a wonderful seafood lunch from the famous chef Gaston (for the true blog followers, you will remember we ate at his other restaurant in Cusco, Chica). One of our taxi trips today involved another near death experience. Our taxi driver felt compelled to make an immediate 180 turn to start a fight with a fellow taxi driver who gave him an ugly inka look. Bea refused to translate the verbal interaction between the drivers as she knew Abuelita would threaten to kick her out if she repeated those words. Peg and Lisa continued to sweat profusely as they were waiting for guns to pull out. We drove ALL around town looking for the coveted world cup stickers....good thing we love our esposos Brian and Diego, but sorry we didn't find any :( We hit pirated software town. Any one want to learn 26 languages for 3 dolla? Peg got her Rosetta Stone level 1, 2 and 3 to learn spanish (little late don't ya think?) for a steal. She is nervous though about smuggling these items into the USA....seriously, she asked Tia Gla if she would go to jail and she said, "i don't think so." Hmmmmm....For some reason, Abuelita kept asking us all day if we wanted a hair cut. We tried to explain to her that Lisa is just missing her Chi, but doesn't seem to translate well. Really, i think she called the corner salon and made us appointments. Poor abuelita, she's probably just ready for us to leave. We spent the last 2 hours weighing suitcases and transferring items back and forth. You would think we are returning with the same amount of suitcases.....but no, remember we are traveling with the Castro mafia. Who knows what's in these "extra" suitcases. You know it is bad when they include a certified letter from the government giving us "permission" us to take these items. We will all try to keep a straight face when they ask, "Has anyone handled this suitcase other than yourself?" that what you had said? We will truely miss all the familia and are so grateful for EVERYTHING they did for us while we were here.

Peruvian Facts of the trip:
1. Did you know EVERYTHING IS BETTER IN PERU? We lost count how many times we heard this throughout the trip....from the fruits to the food to the alchohol to the sites, etc, etc...
2. Tia Gla taught us today that Jesus is Peruvian....really.
3. Do you know how many peruvian words start with Ch.....chulo, chullo, churro, cholito, cholita, chica, chica, chico, chilcano, chorro, chela, choclo, chancla, chocolate, chalina, chingana, churasco, churin, chuleta, chelin, chileno, chau, chuy...just to name a few....this is part of the reason lisa and peg still can't grasp the language.
4. Did you know Bea is a world renowned volleyball player...per her abuelita. Who knew playing in elementary school gave you such an elite status. She is also a world renowned dancer but we already knew that. Awwww

Favorite parts of the trip:
1. Machu piccu, despite the 10 hour round trip. Just one glance made it all worth it.
2. 1st night out in Barranco when Peg met Pisco Sour and Lisa screamed "ayude" to a moving taxi driver and was proclaiming "no necesito orejas" Don't ask. Unfortunately, we lost the footage on this one.
3. 2nd night out in Barranco. You know it's gonna be a good night when Bea immediately tests the table strength. Luckily, we do have video footage which we titled, "Dance it Out."
4. Continuation of first night...sneaking up in the dark while Peg was asleep and hearing her scream SO LOUD causing the video camera to drop and Lisa running to the restroom. So yes, we do have video on this one. Coming soon...
5. Peruvian food. Maybe SOME things ARE better in peru.....
6. Our point system...definitely kept things interesting and sometimes too competitive, but let's just review the final tally: Lisa 5, Peg 4, and Bea 3.75 (she earned a 1/4 of a point from a stuttering cholo who tried to give her directions......she would have earned a full 1/2 point, but she lacked empathy towards his!).
7. The farewell party: when Peg came out of her dancing queen shell....who knew? this footage is AWESOME!!!!!! Hopefully, some day we will learn to upload videos so stay posted.
8. Tia Gla and Abuelita....enough said.
9. Rosita and Vanessa....amazing primas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Low points:
1. Camera tragedy, 1 and 2.
2. Chi loss.
3. Peruvian drivers.
4. What can we say, it was all good.......

Until the next trip, signing off....las tres cuyes. Chau.

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